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Re: ESP stands for ...

Subject: Re: ESP stands for ...
From: Eric Yousey <>
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000 02:14:50 -0400
I'm with you on this one.  I also think that it has gone on long enough.

There has been over 250 posts about this ESP stuff.  I think that it is
time to stop, and move one.

Thank you. wrote:
> Everybody's Sick of deleting these Posts...
>     I couldn't care less either way, but I sure am sick of deleting all of
> these overblown opinions about a class that the majority or team.netters
> don't even run in. Anyone with problems with the classing structure should
> just take the time that they waste posting over and over again to this board,
> and write their facts down on paper and send them to someone who can do
> something about it!
>     Now there has got to be some other relatively interesting subject matter
> out there that the majority of us may find interesting. It sure would be nice
> to be able to read my e-mail BEFORE I delete it. Sorry for the flame but
> enough is enough!

Eric Yousey
ICQ: 6850552
AOL Instant Messenger: EYousey

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