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Re: <Was clarification> Now Speed of AWD and Pro Solo

To: "Mr. DSM" <>
Subject: Re: <Was clarification> Now Speed of AWD and Pro Solo
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 12:06:56 -0700
I suppose I can buy into some of that...I would have to see it and feel it

As this relates to Pro solo, the speed at the end of the straight is not the
'equalizing' factor some have painted it to be - for the singular reason that
the gate at the end can only be negotiated at 'x' speed and both cars will have
to brake.  Therefore, it is always a benefit to get there quicker, not at a
higher rate of travel.  Similar to the thread a couple months ago on the 'quick'
way around a solo course.

Bottom line is that AWD is a huge factor in determining the car for the class in
Pro Solo and a valid point has been made that for Pro Solo specifically, some
AWD cars *may* fit into classes with different performance parameters than in
regular Solo2.


"Mr. DSM" <> on 05/31/2000 03:18:30 PM

To:   Andrew Bettencourt/FIELD SALES/Kingston@Kingston

Subject:  Re: <Was clarification> Now Speed of AWD

On Wed, 31 May 2000 09:20:50 -0700, wrote:

>  Fedja,
>  I have to disagree with you.  You are comparing two cars that are not
alike in
>  any way.  The reason a CamaroBird runs 105mph in the 1/4 mile is because
it has
>  300+ flywheel hp.  The reason you can run the same ET is because you have
>  Take the AWD car with the same power to weight ratio and you should net a
>  quicker ET with similar trap speeds.  We must compare apples to apples.
>  AB

Well, now I have to disagree with you :)
My car for example had 300+ flywheel HP last year and that is why it run 100
m/h at the 1/4. I got there quicker than similar (power wise) RWD or FWD car
which will have a higher trap speed at the end and lower ET.

And the best example for that is the compare two DSMs. One FWD and other
AWD. It is easy to find two with similar power mods and AWD is usually
quicker, but FWD has a higher ET.

This is all due to the tire spinning. AWD doesn't spend much of the time
spinning tires at the beginning and moves further forward. But, because of
that it has less of the track left to make some good trap speeds.

FWD car (or RWD for the same reason) spend more time spinning tires and
doesn't go as far ahead. But, it has more track left to run and it gains
more trap speed at the end.

95 AWD
#34 ESP

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