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Re: power restored

Subject: Re: power restored
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 00:18:58 -0600
Getting an address off the list should not be too difficult.  If you still
have access to that account, then send mail from it to
with nothing in the body of the message but the two words

   unsubscribe autox

Or, if you are on the digest,

   unsubscribe ax-digest

If you do not have access to the old account, you can send a message from
any mailer, with the command

   unsubscribe autox whatever_old_address_is_still_subscribed

If you don't know what the old address was, it could be a bit tougher.
You'll need to remember at least some portion of it, other than, say, '@'
or '.' or whatever.  One would send a command to majordomo something like

  which mjb

to find subscriptions like, or  If
successful in finding the exact address, then one can unsubscribe as
mentioned above.  Either adding or removing an address which doesn't
match the sending address usually involves human intervention by the list
janitor.  That's me.  It may take me a while.  I've only got about 600
messages left to go through since the emergency server switch, about half
of what it was before the Decoration Day weekend.  When was the last time
you heard it called that?


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    • Re: power restored, Mark J Bradakis <=