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Re: Frisbees

To: "Teamdotnet" <>
Subject: Re: Frisbees
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 19:05:59 -0400
The first ones were called "Pluto Platers". The two I have are light blue.
There are some seem at the center of the Frisbee that deliniate first run
and second run ( I think the later one runs in ESP, so Tunnell and I are

Matt Murray
----- Original Message -----
> > I do have two early Frisbees, One from the first run and one from
> the
> > second. Bonus question is:  What were they called?
> Drat! I should know this! I got one of the first ones as a kid...
> Concentrate! Fire you lazy neurons! OK, I give up. What the hell was
> it? All I can think of is Radio Flyer and that was red with 4
> wheels...

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