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another AX incident

Subject: another AX incident
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 16:21:27 EDT
just so all the back seat drivers with 20/20 blindsight don't go 
cross-eyed from boredom :-), there was an incident at the Petersburg Pro Solo 
on Saturday when a STS Saturn lost a rear wheel while negotiating some rather 
fast offset gates.  Sorry to inform you that despite all the possibilities 
the driver was physically unhurt, the car didn't appear to suffer any 
significant damage, no course workers were in danger for their lives, no 
spectators were killed by the loose wheel, or anything else for you to argue 
incessantly over and over about (though I'm sure that won't stop you from 
trying :-(.

While the initial assumption was that the lugnuts weren't tightened it was 
later stated that the left rear wheel hub broke.  So no matter matter how 
safe you make the world stuff happens and it can happen to you without 
warning or invitation.

ps:  my other woosy-half, Mark a., wanted me to say congrat's to all the 
winners and thanks to all those who worked their butts off at the Petersburg 
Pro, and a special get-well to Ms. Cindy who was under the weather all 


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