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Re: Money

Subject: Re: Money
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:20:12 -0700
NRA? Even sounds like SCCA. 

With apologies to Meredith Wilson and The Music Man.

"Cash for the SCCA Merchandise.... 
But he doesn't know the territory!
What is he selling? Trombones?
No! Peavey Guitars. He's a music man.
But he doesn't know the territory!"

"Friends, the idle brain is the devil's playground, trouble!

Yes we got trouble...right here in Colorado. That's trouble that starts
with a T, and rhymes with a P...and that stands for ProSolo... friends.

Watch for the tell-tale signs of corruption
The minute your spouse leaves the house
does he adjust the tire pressures on his car?
Does he have that tell tale "helmet head" look?
Old BFG stickers hidden in the garage, waiting for a comeback?
Is he starting to talk about Huck and Chuck?
Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like... Tunnell?
And... 'stupid course designer'?
Well if so, my friends...

Yes we got trouble...right here in Colorado. That's trouble that starts
with a T, and rhymes with a P...and that stands for ProSolo..."

(from The Wells Fargo Wagon)
Oh oh...the Challenge Sheets are...coming down to me,
I wish, I wish that it could be.
Oh oh..the top 32 drivers get to run again...
I go faster on Sunday, wait and see.

Here comes Howard and Sandy, telling us my tale of woe.
I am in 34th and not close enough. I am, not going to go.
Time to pack up and leave. Time to say farewell. 
But just in case, I will enter the Bonus race. Hey..what the hell.

Oh oh, the Bonus challenge people are...being picked,
I wish, I wish... it was me.
Oh oh, it's only a free entry and a...Peavey guitar,
But it's a trophy and the guitar's free.

Yes, I hear my name called out. King Howard has spoken.
This time, I will do better, this time, there will ne no choking.
But...I am gridded against that pretty M3.
Damn, he is fast....I know I have my work cut out for me.

Oh oh, the trick here is to...out think your foe.
I tell him how slow... I expect to go.
Oh oh...the trick here is to make it seem like,
This is, your first ProSolo.

brake a little, shift a little....
brake a little, shift a little...."

Sorry, I like musicals. 8-) I will go get more coffee and contemplate if
hitting send was really a good idea.

Randy Chase
Neons don't crash into Neons, drivers do.
You can have my aftermarket shiftknob when you pry it from my cold dead

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