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Re: was M3's in ESP -now Russ Wiles

Subject: Re: was M3's in ESP -now Russ Wiles
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 16:25:05 -0400
On Thu, 25 May 2000 12:24:41 -0500 Jason DeJoode <>
> The few events that I done where Russ has attended he was allowed to
> walk the course. In fact, in an event near Sioux Falls last year he
> walked the course with rookies and anyone else who wanted to go with
> and  gave tips for running the course.
> For those that don't know him, he is a super guy and a credit to 
> motor
> sports.

I'm sure he is a great guy, it just seems rather unfair that because he
is *that* good a driver that he would be penalized in that way.
Just my 2 cents......

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)


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