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Re: Re: Why ESP Ponycars Weigh So Much (more than M3s)B

Subject: Re: Re: Why ESP Ponycars Weigh So Much (more than M3s)B
From: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 11:21:21 -0700
> Probably a good reason the fastest F-body ESP car around lately is a
> lighter (somewhat) 3rd gen. car of Mark Madarash's.  That car is quick
> because of driving and balance, not hp. 

Half the F-body trophy winners at nationals (and 8 out of 9 Mustang 
trophy winners) the past 3 years have been heavier 4th gen cars. There 
are other issues in their favor (e.g., the 4th gen Mustang bodies are 
55% stiffer)
> Traction is an issue, but a possible alternative, is to go ahead and 
>take ALL the potential weight reductions, then address the traction 
>issue with engine controls, ie. reduce available torque at corner exit 
>rpm's to let the car hook up.

It's an idea. Not sure what to do with balance. I think 20-100K R&D 
could *possibly* yield an answer that gets the cars somewhat close to 
the M3s. But the more likely probability is that it will be 20-100K thrown 
away. I'll continue to pursue it as budget/ideas allow. 

But if a number of top autocrossers think the ESP cars are 
underprepared, chasing all of them away with M3s won't get them more 

MODESTLY better competition will. Let people continue to work on the 
DSMs, see if the Cobra IRS is really better than the well-worked out 
aftermarket live axle solutions, perhaps the F-body crowd has some 
other ideas coming too.

> Fun stuff to think about anyway.

Yes, particularly if you did well with an internet $tartup.<s>

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