On Thu, 25 May 2000, Pat Griffith wrote:
> Before anybody goes and moves the M3s again, wouldn't it be better to let
> the season progress before making changes again? A few points to consider:
> - How would Bob Tunnell had fared the last couple years running ESP at
> Nationals? (I already know the answer. ;)
> - Sort of along the lines of what Andy B. said about poorly setup SP cars,
> how well would the top F Stock cars/drivers have fared if they ran ESP the
> past couple years at
> Nationals? (I already know the answer to that one, too.)
> - Aren't most of the pony ESP cars NOT prepped to the limit of the rules
> yet? (This, I'm not 100% of the answer.) I'm talking full HP and
> suspsension goodies, which is
> what I think Bob has on his M3 (well, he may not have everything, but he's
> tested enough to know that sometimes OE stuff works best). Marcus Meredith's
> car has pretty
> much everything from what I gather, but what about Schotz' ex, Madarash,
> Sammy's temporarily retired car, etc., etc.
> - And how well are "the other" M3 drivers doing in ESP?
Those are all great questions to ask. I've got one more:
- How many participants will ESP loose because of the _perception_ that
the M3 is an overdog?
I've never understood some folks seeming desire to take a popular class
and screw with the rules to address a concern that doesn't seem to affect
a lot of people. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" sure as heck applied /
applies to moving the M3 into ESP.