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Re: Chicago Box (was Peru Pro)

To: Mike Bultemeier <>
Subject: Re: Chicago Box (was Peru Pro)
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 08:01:09 -0700
The problem with earlier Chicago Boxes wasn't so much the visual distraction
but the distance between the entrance and exit was less than the prescribed
45 foot minimum now required in slaloms. Only the very skinny cars could fit
through with hardly a lift.
--Pat Kelly

Mike Bultemeier wrote:

> Visually distracting is putting it mildly!!! I hate those things. In a CM
> car it looks a "Sea of cones" at speed.
> Mike B.(Still on the five year plan)B. 99cm
> Mari L Clements wrote:
> >
> > The box is visually distracting, and murder on pylon counts if you spin
> > in it,
> > but is really just a slalom with lots of extraneous cones.
> >
> > mlc
> > '91 MR2 NA
> > -----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree
> > with----
> >
> > ________________________________________________________________
> >

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