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Peru Positives

Subject: Peru Positives
From: Bob Monday <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 16:39:30 -0700 (PDT)
I thought that the Peru Pro had one of the most challenging course
designs that I've seen outside of Nationals. There were places that
made your hair stand on end (not just THAT one!) when you executed them
well, and there were a lot of places that required finesse and
patience. While most Pros have cones placed so that course deviations
just cost time, indescretions here cost BIG TIME with downed pylons. A
VERY technical course, which is the way it should be for a "Pro" event.
I hate the ones that a newbie could figure out with one eye blocked by
his helmet! 

Sure, the event ran a bit long on Saturday... I worked the last heat,
so dinner (and Geez review) was late, but 200+ cars put down about 1600
runs! Reruns were minimal, workers stayed on top of most downed cones,
and there wasn't much time where there wasn't at least one car on

Kudos to Dan Popp and Carl (Karl?) Litterer and the Denver crew, as
well as others who set up, picked up, cooked up, and all-in-all made it
a great event.

Bob Monday
Boys-R-Us Racing

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