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Peru Pro, the crash and the near misses

To: "mailing list autox" <>
Subject: Peru Pro, the crash and the near misses
From: "Rick Cone" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 16:55:21 -0400
I will give my summary sentance first, so those that don't want to read, or
agree with me, can delete and move forward with email.

*Significant* Vehicle damage is one of many outcomes of an autox run.

Now for the details.

Yes, I am an expert on this subject, thank you very much.  Just ask anyone
that runs in the Atlanta region, or look at the north turn parking lot at
Atlanta Motorspeedway.  There is still paint marks on the light pole that I
hit 3 years ago.  But to move on to Peru...

I proved early, very early on Saturday that an accident could happen there.
If it were not for the quick reflexes of the Nissan Sentra driver I was
running against, we both would have incurred vehicle damage.  The total time
to change the course, give 15 minutes of walk time, and re-run the cars that
had completed there runs would have been no more then 30 minutes longer,
then the downtime we had getting the two Neon's off the course after they
made contact.

Now, knowing first hand, what *could* happen, did I let up any in that
section?  Not on the left course.  I did have a little confidence issue when
I got back to the right course.  But after the one run I was back at 100%.
On no less then 2 other occasions the rear end of the car stepped out in
there, but knowing what could happen I was able to keep on top of it.

Did anyone notice that ALL of the incidents were with small front wheel
drive cars?  I lost it because the rear tires were not as warm as I thought.
I drove beyond the me+car limits.  I don't know about the other cases you
will have to ask them.

If I am running an event that the person in charge of Rally/Solo has
approved the course, the Chairman of the SEB (and other commite/board
members) has walked many times.  When I pull to the line,  its a safe
course.  I don't/can't think of it anymore.

*Significant* Vehicle damage is one of many outcomes of an autox run. So are
cones, blown motors, rollovers, timing errors and 1 in a million national
championship winning runs.  That is what we are after is it not.  To win?
If not lets just turn off the timers and  *parade* around the course.

I will state this right now.... I feel badly for all of those that were the
victims of the near misses.  Those that had to take evasive action to avoid
collision.  Its a shame if you have to blow all of your driving talent for
the weekend to avoid an out of control car/driver combination like me.  But
it is part of the sport.  As they say, thats rac***, excuse me, thats

Lets move on to Petersburg.

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