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Solo II withdrawal - Warning - long, rambling, meaningless drivel

To: "''" <>
Subject: Solo II withdrawal - Warning - long, rambling, meaningless drivel
From: Alan Pozner <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:49:49 -0400
For odd reasons I did not auto-x this weekend. I guess that I must be going
through withdrawal because last night I dreamt about an imaginary event.

As with most dreams the storyline is fragmented and a little vague but
here's the gist.

The location is unfamiliar but there are two completely separate courses.
Your best times for both courses are added together to determine the winner.
Unfortunately I did not have time to walk either course. The first course
was normal enough at the start. I don't remember much of it except it was on
concrete. There was a distinct stop box at the end. When I reached the stop
box people started yelling at me to get out of the car. I then had to run on
foot around a slalom made up of cars. Being overweight and out of shape lost
me a tremendous amount of time.

I was determined to do better on the second course. It also started out
normally but as I turned to the back half of the course I noticed that I had
somehow left the car and was now on a single snow ski going down a very
steep dirt and gravel slope as I got to the bottom there was a sharp
chicane. I left foot braked (by putting my shoe-clad left foot on the
ground) got plenty of oversteer and drift but made it. Somehow I returned to
my car, finished the auto-x in it and then compared times to others. The
on-foot slalom had really lost me time :-)

Anyone else want to get rid of some deep dark Freudian secrets?


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