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Safety Stewards excluding karts

To: "Peter Mottaz" <>,
Subject: Safety Stewards excluding karts
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 10:41:56 -0700
must.... try.... not.... to.... get.... involved....

Ok, first and only comment on this issue.

At 09:07 AM 5/18/00, Peter Mottaz wrote:
>I agree and that is why we have the safety stewards approve the courses we 
>run on - which includes the power to exclude karts from an event that may 
>pose a special hazard to karts specifically. You and I also have the 
>power/responsibility to bring up any safety concerns we may find to the 
>event chair or safety steward. This is an organization made up of fallable 
>people - it is our responsibility as an organization to minimize (note: 
>not eliminate) the risk caused by our "short-sightedness."

I just have a question...

Who amongst us would run their car (probably pretty expensive) on a lot or 
on a course in a situation where it was deemed unsafe for karts but safe 
for cars??

Seems if there's that much risk for karts, I wouldn't want to risk it in 
anything else.  Some of you have a lot more wrapped up in your autocross 
cars (and sometimes they're your daily drivers).  If light poles are close 
enough for a kart to hit and a kart has a shorter stopping distance than a 
car that seems like an awful big gamble!

But then maybe I'm just a wuss... I don't like running on the asphalt parts 
of the Mather site (for those who know)... and I know for a fact they're 
not rulebook legal.


p.s. There's a guy who sprint races karts with us locally that is in a 
wheelchair.  He has a tall, double support, single roll hoop cage and a 
harness on his kart.  I personally think it's a moving death trap and 
wouldn't bolt myself into it if somebody held a gun to my head.  I also 
hate wearing the incorrectly angled seatbelts on the toy karts at "The 
Inside Track" in Stockton... if they were any faster than they are (5hp 
propane hondas) I would choose not to participate.  Yes, you may get hurt 
if you come out of a kart, but to me that's acceptable risk (remember Adam 
Petty?).  Some people like the CageKarts, roll bars, etc. and accept the 
risks associated with that in exchange for reducing other risks.  I don't 
hold that against them.

p.p.s. Hit lots of cones in my kart, never even so much as lifted a 
wheel.  I've also seen numerous cars get up on 2 wheels.  Or head off 
course towards crowds (once a Vette was heading right at me, the other was 
at an event I chaired on a course I designed that I felt was safe).   I 
feel _much_ safer in a kart.

p.p.p.s. Insurance and site loss is an issue, so far I don't think we (the 
karts) have contributed to any additional insurance cost for the rest of 
you and no sites have been lost so far.  If there's other evidence, then by 
all means let's consider it.

p.p.p.p.s. I'm for including as many classes as possible, and allowing as 
many as possible to compete in nationals, provided there is enough 
interest.  10-15 is not an unreasonable number for the lesser subscribed 
classes (AM springs to mind)

p.p.p.p.p.s. I'll continue to run my kart at local events as time permits, 
and I will definitely be at the ProFinale and Nationals...

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