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To: <>
Subject: Karts
From: "The Christianson's" <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 22:10:40 -0500
In the past I have questioned the safety of the shifters, not based on
fact, but preception that something that small and fast could be dangerous
on the rough parking lots.  "Small" bumps seem to look big to those little

This year our region has gotten involved with a junior program, that has
been a great addition to our events.  ( My son will vouch for the fun
factor) We have had 3 to 5 kids at each event.  The whole family is
involved, and loving it.  My opinion is that anything that keeps my kids
interested in what I am doing and keeps them where I can possibly influence
them, is a great thing.  I am very confident that my son can get hurt as
bad and likely worse playing baseball this summer, as what he may get from
autocrossing his kart.  (Those damn balls are hard, not to mention the big
ole stick they swing around)  There is risk in everything,  we(society)
seem willing to put up with "screaming mothers" at little league (sometimes
because of hurt kids, sometimes at coaches) why not do what we can to
minimize risks and have fun.  The Petty's could have lost their son to a
head injury on the football field, instead of in a racecar.  You just never

It seems to me that with some common sense, and paying attention we can
make this reasonably safe for everyone.  The Karts are not driven around in
the pits at our events, and they are not supposed to be at any other event.
( I did not like, and still don't like the shifters driving from grid to
impound at Nationals.  Way to many BIG tow rigs driving around. )  

The junior program IS BRINGING MORE PEOPLE TO EVENTS the moms are there,
the kids are there, and the dads are there.  I believe if we foster this
program we will have a stronger club in the future.

Jeff Christianson
#65 EM
Jacob (smiling at the thought of beating dad someday) Christianson
#99 Formula Jr.

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