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Re: F125 & Live and let flame.

To: David Hironaka <>
Subject: Re: F125 & Live and let flame.
From: Jay Mitchell <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 06:45:29 -0700
David Hironaka wrote:

>   if you are running a auto-x track that a shifter kart can hit a
> curb, light pole, ect, then your region obviously has lots of
> experience filling out incident reports for all the cars crashing.

Let's condense this: so far, EVERY argument that karts are safe in Solo
II has been based on a single premise: that a kart won't actually ever
hit a solid object at an autocross. If we bought this premise, we'd all
agree. And we'd ALSO agree that helmets, seat belts, and other driver
protection are totally unnecessary in ANY car, not just karts. Clearly,
the national rulesmaking body DOES contemplate occasional contact with
solid objects, which is precisely why the safety equipment is required.

Now, my objection to karts comes down to what is very likely to happen
when a kart has such an unfortunate incident. The relative lack of
success of F125 has helped to reduce the statistical likelihood of this
happening, but, sooner or later, it will. In that scenario, a kart is
nowhere near as safe as a car. Why? Because there is no protection for
the driver provided by the vehicle itself. This issue is not
controversial. It's precisely why seatbelts are not allowed in kart
racing. It does not take intimate familiarity with karts to recognize
the obvious: that a vehicle with no protective structure will not do as
good a job at preventing occupant injuries in a collision as one that
has such a structure.

> if a kart can hit something, then a car will hit the same thing

But with less severe consequences to the driver.

> going  twice
> as fast.

Not likely. Nonetheless, I'll take the collision at a higher speed to
get the added protection provided by the car.

>all i'll add to that, is that
> shifter karts in auto-x are much safer than you make it out to be.

I'll add that they are perfectly safe as long as you don't hit anything.

>   you , and Phil, are assuming that Champ karts are safer...

To point out the obvious once again: anything that has a sound roll cage
and restraints will protect the driver better in a collision than
something with no protection.

>    well, whatever...  but do some real unbiased research first,
> dont just go on your personal feelings.

The research is already out there. Injury/fatality rates for motorcycle
accidents on public roads far exceed those for cars. Why? Because
motorcycles provide no driver protection in a collision. Neither do


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