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O'l Bidness was Re: Veedol Motor Oil by Tidewater Oil Co.

Subject: O'l Bidness was Re: Veedol Motor Oil by Tidewater Oil Co.
From: "James A. Crider" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 10:32:43 -0500
Bruce Wentzel said:

>You and Alan Dahl are in agreement.  So I had a brain f*rt.
>Excuse:  Haven't seen Texaco or Flying A since I left the east
>coast in the 60's other than some Texaco and Phillips 66 on the
>way to Nationals each year, and had no reason to connect P 66
>with F-A.

Phillips Petroleum Co. is HQ'd in Bartlesville.  It's entirely possible
they bought up Flying A (Tidewater sounds like a local canner/distributor)
way back when -- lots of that has gone on.

>And then there was Cities Service.  Who got them?

They evolved into Citgo. (How they got Citgo from Cities Service Oil
Company is a bit of a mystery).  Still HQ'd in Tulsa (my hometown), still
their own company.

CE Mapco is still in Tulsa, as is Texaco's billing center (Texaco's local
refinery closed years ago), the Williams Companies (Willbros, Williams
Pipeline, WilTel, etc.), Sun Oil (although there aren't any more DX or
Sunoco stations in the state, the refinery sells gas to other brands
including Citgo) and Sinclair Oil refineries, monster tank farms for
several different companies, and a major pipeline hub.  Bartlesville (about
45 minutes up US-75 from Tulsa) has Phillips and a bunch of companies that
support the O'l Bidness.  One of my cousins works for Reda Pump, makers of
fine down-hole electric oil well pumps (imagine an electric motor with an
armature 4" in diameter and 30 feet long... and explosion-proof.  It's
gotta all fit in a standard 6" well casing).

And that's way more information than you probably need. :)

Jim Crider and other addresses famous and infamous

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