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RE: Name pronunciations was Cajun nonsense

To: <>
Subject: RE: Name pronunciations was Cajun nonsense
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 18:36:04 -0600
>If you ever drive through Pennsylvania on Interstate 80, you will go
>through DuBois--that's Dew Boyce to Pennsylvanians.  No one
>will have any idea where you are talking about if you ask for
>directions to DuBuah.

I used to know a young lady who had that last name and pronounced it in the
Dew Boyce manner.

Among my relatives, some pronounce the family name as Foreman.  A reaction
to anti German sentiment during World War I.  They also changed it from
Fuhrmann to Fuhrman so it wouldn't look German.  My father and his brother
put the second n back when they got back from WW2.

I wonder if that is why the people in Berlin, WI put the emphasis on the
wrong syllable.

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