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Cajun Christmas

Subject: Cajun Christmas
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:04:50 -0800
Hey "DG"

With all due respect to them Fries with cheese and graby, Bro, I'll keep the
gumbo. . .   Had some company a few years ago, from Belgium.  They made a dish
very similar to what you describe, except the "gravy" part was more of a "sauce"
made with wine.  They sliced the 'taters in big round sections and lightly fried
'em, then melted cheese, then the sauce.  It was goooood!  Iffen I ever get up
to your 'neck o' the woods' I'll have a go at that dish you described, whatever
it's called.

Other than dat, what the hayul are you talkin bout?????  I don't speak no
Franch, just a bit of Spanish, and my native language is "Southern."  You
unnerstan' me, Boah?

JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

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