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Re: car-o-scope

Subject: Re: car-o-scope
From: Brian Weikert <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 20:25:03 -0700
At 10:00 PM 12/11/99 , you wrote:

>Don't feel bad Mary, here's what they picked as my ideal cars:
>Y'all should try it just for shoots and grins.

I did, and strangely enough, it said I had an "almost" perfect match for my

1 - Chevrolet Camaro (blech.. can't stand the new styling)
2 - AMC Jeep (Wouldn't mind having a Jeep as a second vehicle)
3 - Ford Mustang (I drive a Cobra)
4 - Pontiac Firebird (umm...  too many plastic doo-dads glued on the outside).
5 - Plymouth Laser (They still make those?)

The psycho-babble which followed and explained things was a bit much, but
it was worth the few minutes it took to fill out the survey just to see
what they'd match me to.   

Thanks for the URL, whoever it was that sent it to the list yesterday.

The cone looked bored, so I gave it a ride.

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