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Re: 2000 Pax Numbers? Don't Worry, Have Faith

To: Scott Meyers <>
Subject: Re: 2000 Pax Numbers? Don't Worry, Have Faith
From: Mark Hirt <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 21:37:10 -0600
On Fri, 03 Dec 1999 19:01:31 -0700, Scott Meyers wrote:

>My point is that the sky will not fall, and most Pax numbers will change
>no more or less than they always have. The new additions can be factored
>in as they have before (Corvettes to BSP), or similar.
>I think the Pony cars could use a little 'challenge' to prove their
>mettle - right guys?  :-)

ESP did well on Index in 99, they came in 3, 14, 23 and 24 on the PAX.
CSP probably ran in different conditions than ESP so how Mr. Tunnell
would do if you just changed his class in the results to CSP probably
means squat.

The 2000 PAX will probably be out in late January.
The 2000 RTP is in the works as we speak.

 Mark Hirt

 My software never has bugs. It just develops undocumented features.

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