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Shocking Question...

Subject: Shocking Question...
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:34:10 -0800
How long do Konis last before it's time for a revalve job? Is it really
necessary to adjust the rebound?

My Konis, which I purchased used, I think are about 3 years old. They've
been on Lucy for about two years, 40,000 miles. I don't know how many miles
they logged on the other Miata. 

I've been thinking about it, then decided to just enjoy Lucy the way she is.
Then I took a fun run in another Miata. Although I was a bit faster in Lucy,
I thought his just felt really nice, and crisp, which was odd considering I
think his shocks are even older year wise, but I forgot to look at how many
miles he had on the car. Same car owner drove my car, and he, too, noticed
that his car just felt more solid.

Also, when set at full soft, Lucy wallows, like a Cadillac. Is this normal?
I mean, I don't know. That's why I'm asking.



Katie Kelly
Technical Publications
SPSS Bay Area
Guilt slows your metabolism.


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