Just a reminder to all of you within driving distance of Shreveport,
Louisiana (200 miles due east of Dallas on I-20) that our final Red
River Region event of the 1999 autocross season will be held next
Sunday, November 21st, at Red River Raceway.
Red River Raceway is the new IHRA dragstrip 20 miles north of
Shreveport on US Highway 71 in the little cotton-farming community of
Gilliam. (That's pronounced GILL-um.) Since it opened in July of
1998, this race track has hosted the IHRA World Finals twice. It has
also been the site for more than 30 IHRA world records and was voted
IHRA track of the year in 1998. It's one top-notch facility! But,
more importantly for our purposes, it has an asphalt-paved paddock
area that's 430-feet wide by 1420-feet long. It's flat as a pancake
and it has great traction.
So, if you're looking for a place to play on the 21st, please consider
Shreveport. We're hoping to make this our biggest event of the year
and we promise a quick course with lots of seat time, lots of
wide-open balls-to-the-wall sections, and some really serious
challenges. If you think you're up to it, take the challenge and come
join us on the 21st.
If you need more information or directions to the site, please e-mail
me direct. I'll be glad to share!!! 8<{)
John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman