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Re: Picking new tires

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Picking new tires
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:08:45 -0500
If you have or are planning on buying a second set
of rims, go with the Hoosiers. Great stick.
Tom Reichel of Mid-Atlantic Motorsports does a
lot of support for us Solo II types. He shows up
at a lot of name events, even if the other trucks
are not there. I've cc'ed him on this post, plus
you can contact him at 219-243-5553, but he is
usually easier to hunt down by e-mail
< >.

Matt Murray

-----Original Message-----

>feel free to share experience with any brand you have tried on such a
>FWD car.  Think I'll pass on the BFG R-1 with the hinge (maybe all
>tires). And I'll pass on the Toyo too.  Kumho does not make this size
and the
>205-60 is too big for my gears and the tiny tracks we run on.
Hoosier makes
>the roadrace compound in my size and I have heard that it does not
give up
>much to the A/X compound.

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