On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Dick Rasmussen wrote:
> >How I should have phrased that, darned hindsight, was that it'd probably be
> >easier to trophy with a "real" race car, like CM, as opposed to a production
> >based Stock car with all of its lawyer inspiried compromises and non-race
> >parts.
> Thanks for being diplomatic. However, the theory is still not correct.
To maybe help Eric extract the foot from the mouth...
I think perhaps the definition of "best driver" changes a bit with mod
classes vs. stock classes (at least some of them). While I don't have
much experience yet with prepared / mod classes in autox, with the
motorcycle racing I used to do, supersport (similar to our stock) classes
were more rider oriented simply because you were prevented by the rules
from most modifications. Hence more weight in the winning combination was
on the rider skills vs. setup or engineering skills. In the GP bike
classes (similar to our prepared / mod) you were allowed to do more stuff
and thus to be the best you had to have good setup & engineering skills IN
ADDITION to being a good rider.
I suspect that applies to autox as well. Certainly in CP (which I'm
building a car for) there's a ton more modifications that can be performed
correctly or incorrectly than in DS (which I ran the past 1.5 years). To
be perfectly blunt, I hope to be able to mask some of my poor driving with
better setup & engineering.