Well , I am not going to buy your Fiat, but I agreee with you on the point of
underrated. I have thought for a couple of years now that the X1/9 belonged in
Csp not Dsp. The Fiat would be highly competitive in with the Miatas, CRX, RX7
and Civics!!!!!!
Bill Schmidt CS RX7 KC reg
>>> The Narbys <narby@centurytel.net> 11/08 8:08 PM >>>
Craig Blome wrote:
> Others? Come on people, if you can argue about
> scoring Divisionals and how old Katie K. is, you
> *know* you can argue about good cheap cars!
Mostly in the spirit of starting an argument:
I have a 3 time Divisional Champion car for sale for $2800 - it cost me
about $600 a year to run it the last three years. Talk about bang for
the buck! I think Fiat X1/9's are one of the most underrated cars in
autocross. Nice roadworthy ones (still competitive in regional stock
class) sell for under $3k. Everyone is so hung up on new cars in this
country that a LOT of bargains get overlooked. We are talking four wheel
independent suspension, four wheel disc brakes and an EFI motor here
folks. If you want to go Prepared at Nationals, think of it in temrs of
a decent used Miata - about $7-9K - this means my car, plus $4200 left
over for development costs for a marque with a proven Nationals history
- if you cant build a competitive car with that much money you should be
spending a couple grand on driving schools (and you would still have
serious $$ left for car development)....
People have a silly prejudice against Fiats - but I will put my 5
mainbearing engine up against a Spridget motor any day - sorry John Lee
I know you got one of them 3 main bearing critters too ;-)
Some people seem to have a mistaken idea that stock classes are more
economical, too. I think Prepared is way cheaper, even before you start
factoring in $/speed considerations. Just in terms of raw numbers, my 15
year old race car and 25 year old tow vehicle cost less than 1/10th the
price of a new Vette. Let's say for the sake of argument I had half the
price of a Vette to spend (about $20k) - with about $5k in the tow
vehicle/Fiat/trailer combo, I could spend another $15,000 on
development. To me the argument is already over, but let me know what
you think anyway ;-)
Hoping to stir up some marque loyalists and new car loyalists at the
same time (and salivating over the prospect of a $5000 X1/9 motor),
Doug Narby
P.S. - what does two time DSP national champ Steve Hoelscher drive? I
thought so....