At 9:48 PM 11/2/99, Mari L Clements wrote:
>Taking nothing away from Pylon's coverage (which I haven't seen, but will
>in about 3 weeks, because that's how long it takes to get to me), I have
>4 comments in response to the previous comments on the Sports Car
>coverage of Nationals.
>1) Paid writerS? Do you mean that I covered CSP & CSPL as my work
>assignment? I think the choice of words was unfortunate, because most
>people probably read that as money changed hands, when it didn't. For
>the record, I also worked Timing & Scoring one heat, and would have been
>happy to do more.
Just want to give you a "heads up", member to member. One of our local
people has been PAID to write a report on our big January Double National
road race by SportsCar/SCCA. She wouldn't furnish the report for our local
newsletter because of it, so we had no coverage except photos and results.
The way I see it, fair's fair. If they can pay for coverage of a region's
national road race, they can certainly pay reporters for coverage of a
national/once-a-year Solo II event.
Spillin' my guts for no known reason,
Marilyn Rohn