Hello, I found you list last night some time while I was cruising around
on some web pages. I didn't think I'd be able to find it again so I
subscribed! Well, since your list doesn't seem to favor wordy posts
going by your rules, I'll try and slim this down...
My name is Travis Bailey, and I'm a 16 year old sophomore at Rantoul
(IL) Twp. High. My car is a 1971 Plymouth Duster, a factory 340 car.
It's currently in the middle of a restification, and I eventually hope
to compete in E-SP Solo II. Currently the only other mailing list I'm
on is the Mopar Mailing List (MML for short). If I'm allowed to I can
post the specs and plans for it but I'm going to keep this short JIC.
Travis Bailey (Rantoul, IL)
'71 Duster 340
"After all, what is a pedestrian? He is a man who has two cars - one
being driven by his
wife, the other by one of his children." -R. Bradbury