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'88 Scirocco 16V for sale

Subject: '88 Scirocco 16V for sale
From: John Erhardt <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 07:31:41 -0700 (PDT)
I just looked at a very nice '88 Scirocco 16V for sale.  A woman here
at work is selling it.  Right now, I can't justify the purchase myself,
but I'd like to see it go to a good home. I'm sure it would make a good
autox car in either ES or DSP/new ESP. Here are the details:

'88 Scirocco 16V, Red
134k miles
no body damage or rust.
missing small VW emblem on hatch, but again no rust
small tears in seats in the usual spots
dash not cracked.  Came from CA and also lived in AZ
A/C works, new front tires, and battery.  Engine is very clean.
aftermarket glass sunroof

Owners name is Katherine Oldham.  You can email her at  or call 847-523-6421

i can do further investigation for anyone far away



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