Posting for a friend from the BMW Performance Digest, thought some of you
might be interested in this group purchase deal, reply direct to him at
address following: writes:
<< Alrighty's the deal. The photo and specs of the Snap-On 1/2"
Cordless Impact are on a scan I put up at:
ap-on Cordless Impact</A>
Deal Pricing is $ 300.00 for the gun, case, charger and one battery.
(regular $ 365.00 off the truck)
Extra battery is $ 65.00. (Regular $ 72.00)
Shipping is going to be via UPS. Add $ 10.00 East Coast, $ 13.00 in the
Middle States, and $ 16.00 West of the Rockies.
That's the best I can do for ya'll. Dealer net on the gun is $ 252.00, so
my dealer-pal has to have some minimal margin to clear the books...a
whopping $ 48.00 profit per piece. There are no discount deals from Snap-On
as the gun is too new and in limited supply. I'm not making a nickel on it,
and its a PITA to ship for me, so I'll simply say that I'm glad to help
ya'll out if you want one, but it doesn't break my heart if you take a pass
on it, either. If it's too pricey or you can do better elsewhere....go for
How ya wanna pay? Two choices:
Mastercard/Visa : E-mail or Fax your card number to me with expiration date
and ship info. Secure Fax is on my desk at work 703-360-8835.
Check: Mail to me, has to be certified or money I don't want to
deal with the headache of a bounced check even if its not your fault. My
'Mail To' address upon request....send me a note.
No phone orders, don't have the time to do it that way. Call me if you want
to buy furniture, not tools.
Impact Guns are NOT in-stock and will take a coupla weeks to get. Looks to
be the hot licks.
If the performance of the 3/8's gun is any indication, you may not even need
the spare battery. My 3/8's gun seems to go forever on a charge. I have
not tried this gun yet (still waiting for them to arrive, first batch) but
here's a snippet from one of our BMW SCCA racer's who already has one - so
judge for yourself.
>Yep. And it's incredible. The best part to me is that it will undo bolts
>with more torque than it applies. It applies about 80 ft/lb, but will
>more than 90 ft/lb. So it's perfect for mildly tightening your lug bolts,
>then finishing them off to about 85 ft/lb with a torque wrench. But it'll
>still loosen them easily and no breaker bar is necessary.
>As often as I change tires at autocrosses and road races (we campaign three
>cars) I'll never be without one again.
>I advise getting a spare battery. The wrench comes with a quick charger
>(takes about 20 minutes for a full charge), but having a fully-charged
>battery has been a real lifesaver a number of times. The case has a
>"location" for the spare, too.
Line forms to the right.
-Duane Collie