>Here in a PC format is what might have been understood better (or at least
>understand the point that I tried to make) is that ****ANYONE**** that
>steals (cars/pencils/tires/wheels/insert your favorite passion here) is
>"disgusted that anyone would steal *any* car"
>still disgusted over car thefts (and probably responding too emotionally)
>after having one of our cars stolen and realizing that the local police
>don't even bother to come out to the "scene" any more
I agree with Jim here, anyone who steals any car is scum and should be
made to pay the owner for the trouble and cost of repairing/replacing
the car/vehicle.
Autox content. In '86, my Camaro was stolen outside a doctor's office.
I missed a Divisional and a couple regionals because of the stolen car.
3 months later at the same Dr office, another Camaro that parked next
to mine was stolen.
Bottom line, unless you had your car stolen, you can't imagine what
it's like. I've had two taken. I know Jim had his pride and joy taken and
found burn to the ground. So if we're upset and angry, you'll know why.
BTW, my Camaro, a IROCZ, was taken for the performance parts that
all the mags said you needed.
Glenn (wanting to serve on a GTA trial with the hanging judge =8^0. )