About the dishes. As part of the ruling body on a homeowners assoc.
we have found that we cannot stop some one from installing a dish.
however we have to approve the location. so if someone wanted to put he
dish on the front of their house we could say NO based on aesthetics.
but if that same person brought us a letter from some who studied their
house and found that the only place they could receive the signal was
the front of the house, then we had to oblige. condo's could be the
same. Apts. since you don't own the building you just can't start
drilling and mounting to the exterior w/o making some people upset i'm
but I have seen some people mount the dish to a piece of plywood and sit
it on their balcony and get signals just fine. you just have to have
clear lineof sight to the Satellite. Here in Orlando its south by
south west with an angle of about 30 degrees.
hope this helps
Hey Don't knock the Foreman paper grille it really works I've got 7 of
em. (that's how many it takes to cook a small steak :)
Speedvision does rule and I love Autocrossing my Super Huge Impala
SS sorry for the bandwidth just have give my $.02