Just drove a Celica GTS. Impressions:
1) With the sunroof there is no way anyone over 5'6" is going to fit with a
helmet. The salesman told me not to expect any cars
without sunroofs for a long while
2) Turn in response is excellent for a street car.
3) Car takes a set well and rotates great in fast sweepers.
4) 6 speed gearchange is good but ratios are too far apart
5) Engine sounds great but is weak. My delSol Si SOHC VTEC has more low-end
grunt. The VVTi-L doesn't kick in until 5900 and
the kick isn't that big. I did not bring it to red line as I couldn't bear
to do it to a new car ( the salesman did not seem to care ) I
suspect that there is more power over 7000.
6) The car looks much better in person than in pictures.
7) Fit and finish were good but the interior was busy with too many
different materials.
8) Feels claustrophobic inside but not as bad as 2nd gen DSMs
Overall - other than driving position it will make a good Auto-X car. But I
don't think it will beat the Type-Rs DSMs or Imprezas in