> From: Andrew_Bettencourt@kingston.com
> You are not understanding the point. Corvette attendance may have gone down,
> but the SCCA drivers who ran in Corvettes DID NOT go away. Do you see how
> adding a Corvette class only dilutes participation instead of increases it?
> My feeling on the Regional Corvette clubs is that they don't have the skill
> to compete with SCCA level drivers. It's not that the car is outclassed, it's
> that the drivers (and this isn't so of any of the Vette drivers I know from
> SS) have too large ego's to get beat more than a handful of times before they
> take their ball (C4) and go home.
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Over the course of last year, I ran about 24 scca events and 2 pca events.
In the scca events, I was rarely first in class, often in the running, tho.
In the first pca event I ran, I was 0.027 away from FTD in my far-too-stock
for pca 924S. This caused some grumbling by the 911 drivers, especially
those that had sunk extra time and money into the cars.
The point is, I think Andy is right-on about the difference in competition
between marque clubs and scca.
And if scca was to provide a VS class, I think the perception (from the
vette crowd) would be that there is one particular year/model that can
win, and everybody else is at a disadvantge.
So, what will the net gain be? For the owners of that perceived model,
it sounds great. Otherwise, i'm not seeing it.
pat(tho it was Neat to be up for FTD in my SCCA-Stock car)mac
Pat MacAvoy
a.k.a. konekiller@tridelta.com
88 CS 924S-SE (CS gun)
86 944 Luxobarge
93 Crown Vic (SoloTow)