CalClub uses the JACircuirs stand alone timer (which can interface to a
computer), as do many other regions, after using a couple of locally built
ones (which still work fine, and are kept for backup). Very reliable and
easy to use. We are currently evaluating the AutoX scoring system, which
works great with the JAC (well some of us are totally sold on it, just gotta
convince the rest :-)). I had written a spec for a scoring system over 10
years ago but we had nobody able to wite the software at the time. AutoX
exceeds this. And I especially like the fact that Rob Gregg will customise
it to suit your local needs for a very reasonable fee. No scoring system
will probably do everything just the way you would like so you may have to
slightly adjust some local procedures, but I think its worth it to have
instant results, mailing lists, lables, info the announcer can use
(including current class standing), etc. at your fingertips. I'm sure the
other systems offered on this list are good, too, I just have experience
with this one.
Rick Brown
AP 240Z
> I'm looking to learn about the systems out there, especially the ones that
> seem to be reliable and make the event run better than possible without
> it - from registration through class bumping through timing through
> PAXing the results and posting the results. If no such animal exists,
> the minimum I need to know is what timing equipment is tough, reliable,
> can be placed such that errant drivers at the start and finish are really
> unlikely to hit the sensors. Preferably, this timing equipment can be
> interfaced to a scoring computer, which can drive a digital display
> should we come up with the cash someday. I want to be educated before I
> start whining too loudly that our stuff should be replaced. I'm sure our
> budget won't buy a dream system, but I'd like to find a system that can be
> expanded over time, with each component being of very high quality.