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Re: Why do slicks get slippery?

Subject: Re: Why do slicks get slippery?
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 11:21:36 -0400 wrote:
> Can anyone explain why the tires seem slippery when driving but are
> very sticky to the touch.  Even after sitting for twenty minutes after
> a run, the tires will pull the timing cord up into the car, none of
> the other competitors slicks do this, and they did this without tire
> treatment.


My take on the speaker cord that stuck to your tire is that it was a
fluke.  You drove over it a number of other times, and with your other
three tires, but it only came up that once.

There are other differences too.  You were the only one on slicks who
had fenders over them, keeping the heat in.  And you were certainly the
only "heavy" car on slicks yesterday.

As far as being sticky to the touch but slippery on course, Camden is
getting to be a slippery lot, as the asphalt breaks down.  There's a
fine dust that comes up out of the asphalt that makes it more slippery
than it would otherwise seem, and more slippery than it used to be.
Also, yesterday's course was unusually bumpy for the site; not sure if
it was just bad luck of where the course went, or had something to do
with the higher-than-usual speeds, or what -- but I don't remember any
Camden course that felt so bumpy.  And bumpy makes it feel slippery,
as there is less rubber on the pavement (or less weight on those tires

In short, I wouldn't worry too much about it, at least not based on
this one event.


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