At 02:08 PM 9/25/99 -0400, wrote:
>Thanks Roy, and yes I am new to slicks so I don't have much to compare
>these with (as far as stickyness), I AM on a budget but figured that I could
>get something stickier than these, maybe the R400s. I know the Hoosiers also
>come in different compounds and was hoping someone who had run both could
>steer me in the right direction. I will look in the latest Sportscar and
>check out John, thanks a lot for the info.
I run GY 9.5x20x13 cantilevers in a 210 compound on an EP Pinto.
They work real well, but are marginally too soft. If they get REAL
hot they get greasy. Keep em at the proper temp and they work great.
I run at about 28 front/26 rear, but a recent experience makes me
think that 32/30 might work better.