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Re: Nationals on Asphalt? (Was: rolling cars in autocross)

To: "Brian M Kennedy" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Nationals on Asphalt? (Was: rolling cars in autocross)
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 09:08:36 -0500
Brian Kennedy wrote:

>Points for asphalt:
> 1) It is easier on tires -- less expense.

Not necessarily. Depends on the type of asphalt. I've seen quite
a few asphalt-paved sites that are incredibly hard on tires.
Asphalt-gravel composite pavement has this potential, depending
on the kind of gravel that's used.

> 3) Its somewhat safer (now, I am not going into some ridiculous
>    rant about how we're all going to roll our cars and die;
>    I'll just say that even a very rare rollover is one too many
>    will tend to scare off potential drivers; also consider that
>    higher likelihood of mechanical failure is also a safety

Interesting. I rolled my GTI on asphalt. In fact, on the very
same asphalt used for the Meriridian Tour this year.

>I am just curious why it is commonly accepted that "Nationals
must be
>on concrete"??

I'm not sure why that is. IMHO, it wouldn't be that big a deal to
have Nationals on asphalt. But it won't necessarily be safer or
easier on tires.


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