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Re: The Daddio factor, or how can anyone be that fast?

To: (Chris Marsh)
Subject: Re: The Daddio factor, or how can anyone be that fast?
From: Darren Madams <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:19:35 -0700 (PDT)
Chris Marsh wrote:
> >
> >Now, obviously it is possible to get more than 100% usage out of
> >a car.  Not only from peaks in each of the axises but also from
> >making the car do things outside the limits such as rotating the
> >car to travel around a turn without losing as much momentum.
> I don't quite follow, seems to me your saying there is some maximal usage of 
> the car that results in THE best time, that would be 100% and you can't go 
> past that, meaning for the entire course at any individual point you are 
> using the car as much as possible at that point.  Seems to me the fact is 
> that Daddio and others are closer to this point than anyone else, but in 
> reality nobody probably is actually at that point.

I'm saying that a car, always on the limits of the friction circle
(and for those of you who want to get picky, moving between the
extremes as efficiently as possible) will have a theoretical minimum
time on a course.  That's at the limits of traction of the car.  Most
of us exceed those limits every now and then, sometimes to the point
of making us even faster...


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