>7. George Perinis 9x 200SX SE-R (official results say Sentra)
> 205/50-15 Yokohama AVS Int
>8. Pat Griffith 93 Sentra SE-R (the Sentra)
> 195/55-14 Potenza RE-71
What kinda fool ran a 195/55-14 RE71
in Street Touring? He clearly needed
some 245/45-14 Pilots to win...
Just kidding, Pat. Great job, buddy!
(Hoping to prove the point that the tires
aren't the only factor... Pat would be
damn fast even on 4-for-$99 175/70-14
Cornell highway tires from Pep Boys, and
if he gets Pilots in a bigger size, WATCH
OUT for that tall redheaded Irishman!)