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RE: Side step question re: Katie Kelly protest (protestors side)

To: "'Kevin McCormick'" <ktm@Unify.Com>, "''" <>
Subject: RE: Side step question re: Katie Kelly protest (protestors side)
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:16:13 -0700
> Q: Why a region member, and why at nationals?
> A: Because I knew her car, and that the only way that this
> would surface beyond our region was to do so either at a tour or
>  And this topic has come up regionally (Craig B.'s car) and mentioned
> on this list.

Coincidentally, I was talking to a friend (who also happens to be a frequent
Nationals/Tour  competitor) a couple months ago about the deficiencies in
the "write a letter" approach.  He was saying essentially the same thing as
Kevin M. here; that one would apparently have to lodge a protest at a
National/Tour event and have it appealed to get the SEB to address an issue.

Me: Why can't this be done at a regional event?

He:  Because regional protests/appeals are handled by a regional protest

Me:  Oh yeah?  Who says?  The road racers appeal regional event protests to
the national office, seems to me from all the entertaining reading in

He:  The rule book says.

Me:  Where?  What I see is 10.1 (sorry 1998 book), which says "Any person,
entrant or organization named as a party to a protest in any SCCA Solo II
event shall have the right to appeal to the National Appeals Committee (NAC)
any decision or penalty imposed..."

He:  Hmmm...

So, the Katie/Kevin issue aside, can't this mechanism be employed to provide
clarifications?  I've often heard the "have to protest it at a national
event" position; but it seems to me it could simply be protested at a local
SCCA sanctioned event and appealed from there.  No?


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