>From: "John" <john.mikes@worldnet.att.net>
>Is there any way, short of hiring a lawyer,
>that we can pry this kind of
>information out of Denver?
Absolutely. Talk to the SCCA Treasurer, Chuck Shapiro, who is also the
current Dirctor for Area IV, and up for re-election this fall. He has
stated publicly that "When the membership elected me they knew they would
get a straight answer to an honest question. That will always be a standing
offer. Feel free to take it at face value." He has also said: "If any of
you wish further information all you need to do is call or write me - I
respond to every letter, phone call, and email."
Here is his contact info:
Charles Shapiro
SCCA Area 4 Director
6055 N Gatehouse Dr
Grand Rapids MI 49546-7013
(616) 942-9654 (H)
(616) 459-4649 (W)
(616) 459-0089 (fax)
SCCAshapir@AOL.com (Email)
Lloyd Loring <lloydl@skyenet.net>