I've bveen checking and recording tire pressures all around before
my runs, and after each run. I've started taking my valve caps off
when I pull everything out of my trunk, so I don't have to mess with
them in the grid. I also put a comment about how the grip was, and
if it was better at one end or the other for each run. I'm also
trying to note things like air temperature and any other
environmental factors. I haven't been recording my times, but I
should do that. The goal is to know what tire pressure to
have before I heat the tires up, and what to keep it at as they
warm up each run.
I've been scrawling the notes in a little 3x5 notepad, but I really
should come up with a nice form with spaces for info on each run.
<Brainstorming mode on>
Let's see, we should record:
Track surface & condition
Weather (temp, percipitation, ???)
Run group & work group (did you get to work the course before you ran?)
Map of course & notes (probably on back of sheet)
Car setup (tires, suspension settings, other things that might change)
Time of day that you ran.
Tire pressures just before first run.
For each run:
Tire pressures right after the run.
Tire temps right after the run?
Comments on traction.
Comments on driving.
Debriefing notes after the event is over.
Can you think of anything else?
"Kevin Lahey" writes:
> Somebody on the ba-autox list just posted about his experience
> with Kuhmos, listing the exact number of runs he got *and*
> the numbers of seconds in those runs! Yow, that's some record-keeping.
> I've been keeping an autox logbook, but I've just been sketching
> the course and including some thoughts on what I did wrong in my
> runs and what I did right. I guess I've also been writing a little
> before-hand about what I want to concentrate on.
> What would be useful to keep track of? Obviously, at least some
> people are recording the time for each run. What other kinds of
> things should I be keeping track of? Do people record this
> stuff on grid, or wait until they get home?
> If it matters, I've been at this for about 9 months, maybe 15 autox
> total plus two local autox schools, and I'm generally more interested
> in improving my driving than winning.
> Thanks!
> Kevin
> '99 Miata PEP -- B-Stock