Just got done reading the letter that was posted (thanks)...
I'd just like to say that however you feel about DCs and SCCAs actions with
regard to this whole situation, I think it's important (and pretty cool) to note
that they specifically setup the ending dates to allow us Solo guys the Neon
Super Solo as well as Nationals. I think that's a great nod to our sport, and
personally I feel all warm and fuzzy that they realize that we are an important
part of their contingency and advertising program. Makes me like my Dakota a
whole lot more! (and yes, that was part of the reason I bought the Dodge over a
On the matter of trying to use their money to influence rules? I'm not wild
about it, but all they're asking for is even opportunity.... I think that's even
better than how it used to be... not that I like trunk kits, but hey...
But on a related note, can a CRX compete in DS?
--Darren "BM for Nats, yeehaw!" Madams
Too many cars to list; F125, CSP, FM, FS I got 'em all!