Hey, Gang!
Let me preface this by saying that I have no axe to grind. I'm not
out trying to stir any sh*t. And I'm not trying to find fault with
Let me also add that I'm not a bean-counter. I have, however, spent
the past 25 years of my life in News management making sure that my
expenses did not exceed the available revenue for my department. And
I've personally lived on a budget since I was old enough to start
getting a weekly allowance from my parents. And, believe me, that was
a lonnng time ago!!! 8<{)
What I AM trying to do is find a few answers. And, before you even
suggest it, I AM formulating a letter to Denver to request specific
answers to my specific questions. Right now, though, I'm just fishing
to see if anybody on this list can answer any of those questions at
this level before I take them to the top.
My questions are based on the Supplemental Schedule of Activities for
the year ended March 31, 1999 as shown on page F101 of the August
Fastrack. Yes, I admit, I'm about a month late in taking a close look
at this thing. But at least I'm doing it now. And I wonder how many
others have really taken a close look at it.
Let me give you a fer-instance. If you look under the revenue
section, you'll find that Club Racing took in $168,794 for prize money
during that time. Pro Rally accounted for $6900 and Solo took in
$102,676. Yet, if you drop down to the expense portion, you'll find
that Club Racing paid out $167,344 in prize money (less than they took
in) while Pro Rally paid out $6800 (again, less than they took in) yet
Solo paid out $139,715 (which is obviously more than we took in) If
it didn't come in, why did we pay it out?
Then, if you drop all the way down to the bottom line, you'll see that
every department of the club lost money except for Club Racing, which
made $686,136, and Insurance, which made $161,363. Put all of the
departments together and you find that the club made $276,943 last
year before all the Pro divisions were figured in. Add the Pro
divisions and we lost $263,963. Disregarding the Pro side of the
equation, and the fact that we would have lost money anyway, I would
have to ask why we made so much money off of Insurance? And why
shouldn't that money be going into a special fund to help offset
Sanction Fees instead of just going into the General Fund?
I'm sure that your average bean-counter could find a whole lot more to
question in this report than I have. But these are just a couple of
questions that popped into my mind after glancing over it.
Please understand that I'm not knocking the SCCA or our paid staff.
I'm really glad to be a member of this organization and wouldn't trade
my nearly 15 years of membership for anything. I just have a few
questions after reading this report and would like a little bit of
John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman