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Re: Miata question

To: "Miller, Don" <>,
Subject: Re: Miata question
From: Kat Bryce <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 11:27:52 -0400
The Miata is a great car Automatic or not.

Side note.  I started autoxing last October with the only car available
to me.... a '94 Laguna Blue, Automatic.  I plan to get a 'real' Miata
soon but she has been a great beginner car.

Kat and Indi-go
'94 Laguna Blue BS

"Miller, Don" wrote:
> My wife refueses to learn to drive a stick shift. Okay, now she thinks she
> might want a Miata. Any opinions on the automatic in a Miata? Looking 95 and
> newer. Thanks!
> Don Miller TLS #8
> 68 Datsun Roadster (Turbo V-6/5 speed and Tons O' Fun)

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