Erik Strelnieks wrote:
<< I would imagine that some of the "clunky" problems you are having with
your GEEZ software, may be from Byron trying to get the program out ASAP,
people to start using. Updates and changes are constantly being done and
easy to download from the web site. I would imagine that
instead of bitching to the net, that a letter in person to Byron would me
much more constructive. But alas, it seems that you must have something to
spout off about. >>
What, Dennis spout off on Get real. <g>
I have to agree with Erik 110%. Also, Roger Johnson's comments too regarding
GEEZ being the best driver time improvement aid since R-compound tires were
introduced is spot on IMO! Certainly, every system has some limitations
depending on the amount of money spent, but without a doubt GEEZ can be
effectively implemented and put to use in a very short amount of time for
some real eye-opening experiences regarding how the vehicle is being driven,
but more often how you are failing to drive it! Best money I ever spent.
ps: I hope you DTN selectees have a great time at Nat's!
Mark Sipe