Thanks Farzaan, but I must agree with you: softer indexes for Ladies is a
very silly, silly thing. I don't really understand the premise, myself. Does
anyone know what that's all about? In real life, Gary Milligan was fastest
on the PAX, followed by Joe Cheng. I'll gladly accept third fastest, though.
:) "Next time" (I'm still floating, so I'm pretending that there will be a
next time), I'll have to work a lot harder at psyching Gary and Joe out.
They're a pretty tough pair.
But you know what the best part was? My whole life, especially back in the
day when I was driving a Lotus 7, I used to think, you know, if I could just
one day beat Karen Babb, or even come CLOSE, that will be the happiest day
of my life. On Saturday alone, I beat her by EIGHT SECONDS! Isn't that
absolutely absurd?
Thanks to Joe Cheng for this truly most amazing gift, and to him and Gary
both for such great sportsmanship, humor, support, and fun.
By the way, thanks to my Canadian friends for such a fabulous event. It
really was a pleasure to meet people I had only known previously in
cyber-space. I hope to see you all one day in Topeka! But most of all,
thanks to my secret "posse" for tricking Gary and Joe into believing they'd
have to make their runs Saturday afternoon with the muffler. That was a good
one, and I can't believe they really fell for it!
winky winky,
Katie K.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Farzaan Kassam []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 3:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Canadian Rules
> >The other thing I don't like about our system is our indexes. We give
> women a break on their indexed >times which I think is very wrong. We had
> Karen Babb, Annie Gil, Elise Leyland and Carol Leuty down >here and they
> showed that women do not need any concessions when it comes to indexing
> their times. If >a guy runs a time in a class, a women should have the
> same
> index applied to her time as a guy's time.
> I forgot two of the women who sparkled the most! Katie Kelly of course
> who
> took the top index time for the two combined days running in A/ModL and
> Linay White who romped me by over six seconds over two days in Lemon Ice!
> Farzaan.