Thats hard to tell? It could be anywhere from 108 all the way to below 40 for
night time lows. Its Kansas who knows. If you don't like the weather in Kansas
(Or about anywhere in the midwest) wait an hour or so it will change.
Mike B. TLS#1
Judy Becker wrote:
> Thanx to all who replied to my test post queries.
> I put the posts out since I wasn't getting replies to some posts.
> Evidently the "autox@....." address for "reply to all" responses was left
> out either at the "to" or "cc" lines.
> Ahh...well, 1 more step on the internet highway learning curve.
> I know the ST classes have been "discussed", however....I'd still like to
> see "sportscars" added.
> Our local (San Diego) ST alike classes-Improved Street (1-2-3) use the # of
> car cylinders as the main filter. So whether a car is a
> sedan,coupe.sportscar, front or rear wheel drive doesn't eliminate that
> car. It adds more cars to the autoxing pool. It would have been fun to be
> able to run our car at Nationals!
> Happy autoxing, Judy B. in San Diego...{:>}
> ps How hot is the September weather for Nationals going to be?