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Huck & CHuck Nationals Apparel

Subject: Huck & CHuck Nationals Apparel
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 16:14:50 EDT
Okay, how would y'all feel about the following?  This is a straw poll, let me 
know what you'd like, with no obligation at this point...  Prices may vary a 
little based on quantity ordered.

Hats:  No straw hats this year, unless I hear a huge outcry...
Baseball hats:  Off-black, low crown, with H & C logo embroidered.  $16.00

Shirts:  Huck wants black, I want something like navy, burgundy, etc.  with 
small H & C logo on left front, diagram of the +6 PSI air filter on the back, 
silkscreened in white.
(If there's enough interest, we may also do some polos on special order, 
basically because I want a couple of polos!)

Let me know real soon, so we can firm up orders, quantities and pricing)


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